Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases: Phase 1: Conditioning Phase 2: Growth/Strength Phase 3: Strength/Growth
Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program
If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases:
Phase 1: Conditioning
Phase 2: Growth/Strength
Phase 3: Strength/Growth
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