Jabbaar Tobios

Change Equals Change

Meet the Stronger, Leaner, and more Confident version of yourself.

Change Equals Change

Meet the Stronger, Leaner, and more Confident version of yourself.

Change Equals Change

Meet the Stronger, Leaner, and more Confident version of yourself.

Change Equals Change

Meet the Stronger, Leaner, and more Confident version of yourself.

Making online fitness training truly personal

You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. I am here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalised training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - I will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, to celebrate your wins, and to be on top of all the last-minute schedule changes.

My Plans

21 Day PhitStarter

21 Day PhitStarter

This 21 days program is designed to kick start your health journey using a simple nutritious diet plan and basic exercises using minimal equipment!

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Regular progress check-ins

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

24/7 chat support

for 3 Weeks
Get "Shredded"

Get "Shredded"

A gym based program to help you lose weight and body fat whilst gaining muscle tone and strength and improving fitness levels. Get "shredded" now!

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

for 8 Weeks
One on One Personal Training

One on One Personal Training

This is my most comprehensive program available where we work together to help you reach your physique goals in the fastest possible time frame! This membership is exclusive to a limited number of clients where I create a fully personalised program to your lifestyle, resources and preferences.

One on one coaching

Weekly 1-1 video calls

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support



This is designed to change tempo of training while keeping up the intensity of it...TIME TO GROW

for 2 Months



for 1 Month
Female Muscle Builder

Female Muscle Builder

Lean Muscle for Women Think about a lean hour glass shape with very proportionate muscle, small waist, wide shoulders, and thick quad sweeps. When they turn around you see faint hamstring lines, ham Glute tie-in’s

for 2 Months
Phit Systems 1

Phit Systems 1

Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Lean Like Me Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases: Phase 1: Conditioning Phase 2: Growth/Strength Phase 3: Strength/Growth Weeks 1-4: Conditioning During the Conditioning weeks, our rep ranges are 12-15 and we perform three to four sets for all upper body and lower body work. The goal is to adjust the weight (increase the load (weight) as the volume (reps) decreases) to get 12-15 reps on every exercise. Rest 1 minute between sets

Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program

If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Lean Like Me Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases:

Phase 1: Conditioning

Phase 2: Growth/Strength

Phase 3: Strength/Growth

Weeks 1-4: Conditioning

During the Conditioning weeks, our rep ranges are 12-15 and we perform three to four sets for all upper body and lower body work. The goal is to adjust the weight (increase the load (weight) as the volume (reps) decreases) to get 12-15 reps on every exercise. Rest 1 minute between sets

for 1 Month
Phit Systems 2

Phit Systems 2

Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Lean Like Me Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases: Phase 1: Conditioning Phase 2: Growth/Strength Phase 3: Strength/Growth Weeks 1-4: Conditioning During the Conditioning weeks, our rep ranges are 12-15 and we perform three to four sets for all upper body and lower body work. The goal is to adjust the weight (increase the load (weight) as the volume (reps) decreases) to get 12-15 reps on every exercise. Rest 1 minute between sets

Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program

If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Lean Like Me Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases:

Phase 1: Conditioning

Phase 2: Growth/Strength

Phase 3: Strength/Growth

Weeks 1-4: Conditioning

During the Conditioning weeks, our rep ranges are 12-15 and we perform three to four sets for all upper body and lower body work. The goal is to adjust the weight (increase the load (weight) as the volume (reps) decreases) to get 12-15 reps on every exercise. Rest 1 minute between sets

for 1 Month
Booty Book

Booty Book

1, we are going to work all angles and all of the muscle groups in the booty! Did you know your booty is the largest muscle in your body? Well the gluteus maximus is. So we are going to hit 1.)Gluteus maximus, 2.) The gluteus medius and 3.)The gluteus minimus We gotta work all 3 muscles in the booty!

for 1 Month
Phit Systems

Phit Systems

During the Growth/Strength weeks, our rep ranges are six to ten and five to six sets for all upper body and lower body work. The goal is to adjust the weight (increase the load as the volume decreases) to get six to ten reps on every exercise. Rest 1 between sets Week 1 The rep range will be ten reps for five sets. Week 2 The goal is to increase the weight, but you must get eight reps for five sets. Week 3 The goal is to increase the weight, but you must get six reps for five sets. Week 4 The goal is to increase the weight and to increase the sets, but you must get eight reps for six sets. My philosophy for this program is to stimulate the muscle fiber to recruit more muscle fibers quickly. By increasing the muscle fiber density and recruitment patterns we are creating growth in the muscle. With the increase of growth, we now have the ability to increase strength through greater muscle fiber recruitment. When this happens, growth occurs

During the Growth/Strength weeks, our rep ranges are six to ten and five to six sets for all upper body and lower body work. The goal is to adjust the weight (increase the load as the volume decreases) to get six to ten reps on every exercise. Rest 1 between sets

Week 1

The rep range will be ten reps for five sets.

Week 2

The goal is to increase the weight, but you must get eight reps

for five sets.

Week 3

The goal is to increase the weight, but you must get six reps for

five sets.

Week 4

The goal is to increase the weight and to increase the sets, but you must get eight reps for six sets. My philosophy for this program is to stimulate the muscle fiber to recruit more muscle fibers quickly. By increasing the muscle fiber density and recruitment patterns we are creating growth in the muscle. With the increase of growth, we now have the ability to increase strength through greater muscle fiber recruitment. When this happens, growth occurs

for 1 Month


Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases: Phase 1: Conditioning Phase 2: Growth/Strength Phase 3: Strength/Growth

Phitlossophy Training Systems 12 Week Program

If you are a strength athlete or a performance athlete, you need movements performed in training to translate to your sport. Bodybuilding is about growing deeply defined, etched muscle, not performance. We know that you must condition a muscle, strengthen it and then build it. This process takes time. However, the body also adapts very well. We recommend a 12-week training program (split routine hitting each body part once per week and allowing recovery, which is highly notarized by bodybuilders) that will condition, strengthen and build your muscles while on the Phitlossophy Program. It is known in the Exercise Science realm that repetitions lower than five are designed for strength and power. Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is found in the 8-12 rep range. These are the two extremes. Meaning that if, hypothetically, 100% of strength is found in reps five or below and 100% growth is found in reps 10-12, then it’s safe to say that strength and growth can be attained (not 100% of each) at reps 6-10. This is our focus. We divide the routine into three phases:

Phase 1: Conditioning

Phase 2: Growth/Strength

Phase 3: Strength/Growth

for first week
7 Day Free Trail

7 Day Free Trail

7 free days of using this app

this plan includes access to the app

access to all workout programs

access to Nutrition and Macro BMR

for first week

Jabbaar Tobios

Personal Trainer

When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability over all else! Sure, why we coach: I COACH YOU because I care about you. I CHALLENGE YOU because I believe in you. I EXPECT YOUR COMMITMENT because I know your family and job will. I HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE because life will hold you accountable. I PUSH YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE because it’s the only place where real growth occurs. I WANT YOU TO DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME because life doesn’t always give second chances. I ASK YOU TO SACRIFICE FOR THE TEAM because true success means being a part of something far greater than yourself. I IMPLORE YOU TO GIVE YOUR BEST because I don’t want you to look back on this season, your career, or life with regrets. I DEVELOP YOU TO LEAD because your company, community, and country will eventually need you to. I DISCIPLINE YOU because I want you to learn there’s a right way and wrong way to do things and treat people. I CHALLENGE YOU TO COMPETE because you’ll fight some battles in your life where losing is just not an option. I INSIST YOU PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL because you’ll soon realize that the little things are the BIG things. I PUT YOU THROUGH ADVERSITY because you’ll need the persistence to overcome far greater adversities in your life. I MAKE YOU EARN A SPOT because you'll take more pride in and ownership of the things you work hard for and earn. I INSIST YOU DO THE RIGHT THING because I want you to look in the mirror and be proud of who you are and what you stand for. I REQUIRE YOU TO REPRESENT YOURSELF WITH CLASS because you’ll carry your reputation with you for the rest of your life. I FORCE YOU TO FACE YOUR FEARS because breaking through your fears gives you the confidence to take on any challenge life throws at you. I DO EVERYTHING I DO because I want you to become the absolute best version of yourself and develop into the responsible and respected adult your family, friends, coworkers, community, and the world all need you to be. THIS IS WHY When working with clients, I like to build from the ground up.

Jabbaar Tobios

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Fall in love with fitness

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.